
$310 / month

resume reviews, interview preparation, mock interviews, and salary negotiation support.

2 calls per month (60min/call)

Unlimited Q&A via chat

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I am a Senior Software Engineer who has worked with multiple companies. Over the past two years, I have received nearly 20 offers from top-tier companies. I offer comprehensive career assistance, including resume reviews, interview preparation, mock interviews, and salary negotiation support.

If you are seeking guidance for a successful career in major tech companies, I am here to help!

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What mentees say



5 out of 5 stars

Lite Plan · 
1 month

Boyang is a great mentor. Very professional. I will come later. Need to grow to talk to pro like Boyang. Thank you Boyang. You are the best.!



5 out of 5 stars

Boyang was very helpful - we had a great chat. He gave me great insight into technical application/interview processes and shared terrific advice for many aspects of my software engineering career with my long-term goals in mind. He's clearly been very successful himself and I really appreciated his generosity in passing on his wisdom. Very worthwhile! Thank you Boyang!

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